Displaying Report Generating the Date time and user name without Domain or System name:
1- Go to Design mode and Create footer in SSRS report
2- From The toolbox add one text Box in footer
3-Right click on text box and select expression
4- In Expression add below syntax to display Date time and user name who generating the report and click on OK
="Report Generated at "& now() & " By " & User!UserID.Substring(User!UserID.LastIndexOf("\")+1)
5- Save the report and validate preview , it would show the Date time when report get generated and username who is generating the report in footer like below
How can we freeze the user id in footer in ssrs? If we have given the user id in the footer.
i have a Question for all of you lease answer it urgently. How can we freeze the user id in footer in ssrs? If we have given the user id in the footer.
if you want to just display userid in footer then please add below in footer expression
=”Report Generated by : ” & User!UserID.Substring(User!UserID.LastIndexOf(“\”)+1)
it will take user id from AD and display in footer.